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New Life on the Sanctuary

Hello Farmhouse Garden Animal Home friends,

The last little while has been so busy, and we have been learning more and more about running a sanctuary every day. But after all of the busy days and the planning and stressing, there’s nothing like seeing things finally coming together at the sanctuary. Seeing the cows galloping through the pasture happily keeps us focused and reminds us what we are doing this for.

Update on Willard the Duck

As you may know, we lost our beloved Wallace the duck, who was Willard's very best friend since birth. Despite weeks of antibiotics, special care, and lots of love, sweet Wallace did not make it. The two were inseparable, and it broke our hearts to think of one being without the other.

We brought Willard a little pool to put right next to the duck house, which seemed to lift her spirits.

Willard, who had never shown much interest in hanging out with the chickens, has now become great friends with our chicken couple, Patrick and Charlotte. Willard waits patiently every morning for them to be let out of their coop, and the three spend most of the day exploring together!

Our First Work Day!

We are starting with our volunteer training, and so we had a general work day for anyone who wanted to help us out and learn about the work we do around the farm.

The day ended up being a blast - we got plenty of work done and managed to get lots of play time in as well. ;) A huge thank you to Rara and PBrian for the absolutely delicious vegan food!

Here is a slideshow with photos of our work day. You can hover over it and use the right and left arrows to see more photos:

New Life on the Sanctuary

Baby Esther was born, and Mumma is doing a wonderful job caring for her. The two are always enjoying their time together! There is nothing stronger than a bond between a mother and her baby, no matter what species.

Here is a photo of little Esther trying to nurse for the first time!

We will post more photos of her on our social media pages soon.

Ways to support us and get involved



  • We'd love to have you help us run the sanctuary. As a non-profit organization we depend on the efforts of volunteers to keep things running smoothly. Please submit this volunteer form on our website if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.

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